Services we provide

CompRehab is a multi-disciplinary group of health care and rehabilitation specialists.

We provide a variety of rehabilitation and employment services to injured workers including the following:


Statutory rehabilitation services

A formal plan of services designed to assist the injured worker’s return to suitable, gainful employment. Suitable is defined as physically appropriate and/or a match with one’s functional abilities. Gainful is defined as opportunity for immediate and future income.

Return-to-work coordination

Meetings with the employee and date-of-injury employer to:

  • Better understand job demands by conducting an on-site job analysis
  • Help the employer better understand functional limitations
  • Identify potential accommodation to facilitate a safe return to work
  • Provide job coaching to assure successful transition back to work

Job analysis

A systematic survey of job tasks and activities to fully understand and document:

  • Work schedule
  • Work pace
  • Strength demand
  • Equipment, machines, tools and vehicles used to perform the job
  • Environmental exposures
  • The frequency and duration of various job demands such as: sit, stand, walk, lift/carry, push/pull, bend, twist, kneel, squat, crawl, climb, reach, grip, and pinch, in functional terms such as: rarely, occasionally, frequently, constantly

On-site job analysis facilitates discussion regarding job modification and accommodation.

Job coaching

Individualized in-person instruction and demonstration of work methods and techniques that prevent injury aggravation. Job coaching might include instruction in the use of proper body mechanics; pacing; task rotation; and the importance of compliance with recommendations for work ability. Job coaching can improve communication and understanding and is often of benefit to both employee and employer.

Transferable skills analysis

Identification of various skills developed as a result of past employment and life experience. Ownership of key skills can be used to secure employment in different occupations.

Medical management services

Meetings with healthcare providers to understand injury diagnosis, plan of care, prognosis for functional recovery, and return to work. Meetings with healthcare providers require the permission of the injured worker. These meetings aid in communication between the various parties involved and provide valuable information for vocational planning and coordination of return to work.

Ergonomic analysis

A systematic survey of risk factors that contribute to work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Risk factors that might lead to injury include:

  • Posture: Awkward and static – anything out of “neutral” especially if sustained is potentially problematic. Prolonged sitting or standing without opportunity to break or change position is also a concern.
  • Force: Weights lifted/carried or forces applied to push/pull multiplied by the frequency and/or duration can contribute to injury, especially if there is insufficient time to recover from those exertions.
  • Repetition: Exertions per minute plus the duration of the activity might contribute to injury, especially if there is insufficient time to recover from those exertions.
  • Lack of recovery time: Opportunities to break from static postures, rest from forceful exertions, or repetitive activities is essential to injury prevention. Changing position, movement and gentle stretching increase blood flow to soft tissues, improve concentration, restore energy and enhance productivity.

Vocational assessments and testing

Comprehensive assessment of basic skills, interests, and aptitudes for the purpose of vocational planning, exploration and goal identification.

Job seeking skills training

Instruction in tactics and strategies for effective job search such as: resume development, effective interviewing techniques, and where to identify job leads.

Labor market surveys

The collection and analysis of data regarding job availability, salary ranges, hiring trends, desired qualifications, where to get training, and essential requirements of targeted jobs.

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